Features & Improvements
We added Student IDs to the exports of the Billing > Reporting > Sales Receipts/Refunds report.
We kinda went nuts with Student IDs and financial reports this week—they're also available in the General Ledger detail export.
Added South Sudan as a country option.
The Canada Revenue Agency (a friend tells me their motto is There is no "U" in "Revenue"—is that true?) updated their URLs, which are required to be printed on all official receipts and suchlike. So we updated the URLs on Populi's forms. Believe me, it was a TON of work.
For some reason we used to show the Add lead info link on deceased or deleted people. Since we're not really in the postmodern-zombie higher ed market, we got rid of that.
Ensmartened the display of credits and hours in various places around the ol' Populi. The explanation of what exactly we did and the situations we were hoping to address with this incredibly inconsequential update would run to at least 500 words, 300 of which I would type without understanding.
When you check the box to inform faculty and students about changes to course meeting times, we now include the course's auditors in that email. Previously we excluded them because of our ancestral feud with the degenerate auditor kind, but we realized it's time to just bury that hatchet. So now they get the email, too.
Check templates now have Bold and Italic formatting options that hopefully work better than they do in this sentence.
We now do a better job displaying the monthly EFC amount breakdown on ISIRs. Previously we just showed an old Nancy comic, but now we show you a bunch of numbers and math and stuff.
If you deleted an address from Profile > Info, the page wouldn't refresh and it would look like you had deleted nothing. Then you would try to delete the address again, but the page wouldn't refresh and it would look like you had deleted nothing. Then you would try to delete the address again, but the page wouldn't refresh and it would look like you had deleted nothing. Then you would try to delete the address again, but th... at any rate, some people have been at their computers for almost four years now, pecking away at their mouses/mice/whatevers trying to get the dumb address to just disappear when they deleted it. Today, those people now have their lives back.