Features & Improvements
Added a TON of new transfer-credit fields to the Data Slicer. They're itemized below the bugfixes section because who wants to clutter up such a smooth, streamlined feature list as this? Not this guy.
Added Leave of Absence fields to the API, letting you update the LOA checkbox and the start/end dates as well as pull the data you've already entered.
Patched a bug with invoice amounts due and the amount shown as overdue on student financial summaries. The bug was that those amounts didn't match up, and it had to do with a timezone issue. I'm so glad it's not my job to figure out that if one thing is on Eastern Standard Time and the other thing is on Pacific, computers may get confused and forget how to do math.
New Data Slicer fields
- Cumulative Attendance Hours Attempted (Incl. Transfer Attnd. Hrs.)
- Cumulative Clinical Hours Attempted (Incl. Transfer Cl. Hrs.)
- Cumulative Contra-Units Attempted (Incl. Transfer Contra-Units)
- Cumulative Units Attempted (Incl. Transfer Units)
- Cumulative Quality Points
- In-progress Cumulative Quality Points
- In-progress Term Attendance Hours Granted (Incl. Transfer Attnd. Hrs.)
- In-progress Term Clinical Hours Granted (Incl. Transfer Cl. Hrs.)
- In-progress Term Units Granted (Incl. Transfer Units)
- In-progress Term Contra-Units Granted (Incl. Transfer Contra-Units)
- In-progress Term GPA (Incl. Transfer Units)
- Total Transfer Attendance Hours
- Total Transfer Clinical Hours
- Term Attendance Hours Attempted (Incl. Transfer Attnd. Hrs.)
- Term Attendance Hours Granted (Incl. Transfer Attnd. Hrs.)
- Term Clinical Hours Attempted (Incl. Transfer Cl. Hrs.)
- Term Clinical Hours Granted (Incl. Transfer Cl. Hrs.)
- Term Contra-Units Attempted (Incl. Transfer Contra-Units)
- Term Contra-Units Granted (Incl. Transfer Contra-Units)
- Term GPA (Incl. Transfer Units)
- Term Units Attempted (Incl. Transfer Units)
- Term Units Granted (Incl. Transfer Units)