
How to embed audio, video, and other kinds of files in a lesson

Here's how to include files in your lesson.

  1. Go to the lesson design view.
  2. Click the File link.
  3. Search for files on your computer to upload, or drag and drop them into the file upload area. You can upload as many files as you wish. Once your files are uploaded, the upload bar will turn green.
    • You can also import files from another course. Select the course and term, then check the file you'd like to import.
    • Video files can be no longer than 120 minutes long; otherwise, they won't encode properly!
  4. Check if you wish to hide this file from students. Use this option when you don't want students to see this file in this part of the lesson, but wish to embed it elsewhere in a content block (more on that, below).
  5. Check to display the file in an in-lesson file previewer or media player. This is handy for things like documents, images, and audio/video. If the file is not thus displayed, then students will have to download it in order to view it or interact with it.
  6. Check if you wish to require students to view or download the file before proceeding to the next lesson.
  7. Click Save when you're done.

After uploading or importing the files, you'll see them in the lesson. (You'll also find a list of all of the lesson's files in the right column of the lesson page.)

To embed the file in a content block:

  1. Click the file name in the right column to open the file viewer.
  2. Click to open the actions menu.
  3. Click Get embed code.
  4. Click to copy the embed code.
  5. Click the X in the upper left of the screen to exit the file viewer.
  6. In the lesson design tab, add or edit a Content block.
  7. Click < > in the editing menu to open the code editor.
  8. Paste the entire embed code right into the code editor. (Feel free to adjust the height and width of the iframeif you wish.)
  9. Click Save in the code editor.
  10. After finishing the content block, click Save.

You can see how the file embed will look to your students by clicking View.

(You can also grab the EMBED code from files uploaded on the Course > Syllabus view.)

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