
March 11 to March 22, 2019 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Added a word-counter to essay-type assignments. It's visible to students while they type and to faculty after students have submitted the essay.

Standardized the display of unfinalized final course grades for students who do not have any assignment grades yet: it now displays as -- everywhere (unless, of course, someone enters something for the student's final grade...)

Ensmartened report filters so that Person fields show options for all the fields the user has access to. For example, if a financial user with an admissions role is running a report on Leads, she'll be able to include custom financial fields in that report.

Added Discipline data to the Data Slicer.

Optimized the Academic Year page so it loads a lot faster now.

Updated the transcript variables for course group GPA. If you like reading that kind of thing, there's a complete list of the new variables at the bottom of thisyere Internet website page.

Added a troubleshooter for Page Layouts that identifies problems in the .ODT template that break your custom transcripts, enrollment agreements, etc.

Strengthened our defenses against cross-site scripting attacks by being really finicky behind-the-scenes about converting certain characters into HTML entities.

Added Anticipated Degree Completion Date to the Degree Audit.

You can now manually-set non-resident alien status for a person.

Application pages now broadcast the submit action, letting you set up some javascript to listen for such events and get more analytics info.

You can now use custom SSO parameters when using Populi as an identity provider.


Fixed a broken alert that let the higher-ups know when a proctor's phone number matched the student's phone number. Who's clever now?

Fixed a grotesque display problem where various pages would... load into themselves... if you used the filters (this was a big problem in Communications).

Finalize course was fussing at you if you were finalizing one of a cross-listed course: if there were assignments meant for students in the other course, it would give you that notice about there being ungraded assignments. We gave that over-scrupulous function a chill-pill and everything's good now, man.

The Campus Life > Facilities Schedule report wasn't pulling events from room calendars, which seemed like something it really ought to do.

No one—not you, not the registrar, not your great aunt Mildred, not Bill Murray... I mean no one—could enter course comments for finalized incomplete students. We fixed it so that the people who ought to be able to do that can now do that, and as far as we know that doesn't include Mildred or Bill.

Found a display bug that made the gradebook look all messed-up and gross and stuff when you imported a CSV. And we fixed it, of course.

Upgraded some things so that if you make a fancy email template with HTML Populi will do a better job displaying it.

If you recalculated a payment plan, it would needlessly add a payment plan adjustment fee based on whatever fee you had for the plan's late fee.

Fixed a bug that prevented shipping methods in Bookstore from adding a charge to the order.

Deleted application notes could still display in Activity Feeds. Dreadful.

Special edition bonus section: Course group variables update

  • {!CG_RES_EARN_HRS_1234!}- The student's resident earned hours in the course group
  • {!CG_RES_EARN_CRS_1234!}- The student's resident earned credits in the course group
  • {!CG_RES_EARN_CLINICAL_HRS_1234!}- The student's resident earned clinical hours in the course group
  • {!CG_RES_EARN_ATTND_HRS_1234!}- The student's resident earned attendance hours in the course group
  • {!CG_RES_GPA_UNITS_1234!}- The student's resident GPA units in the course group
  • {!CG_RES_QUALITY_POINTS_1234!}- The student's resident quality points in the course group
  • {!CG_RES_GPA_1234!}- The student's resident GPA in the course group
  • {!CG_EARN_HRS_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's earned hours in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_EARN_CRS_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's earned credits in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_EARN_CLINICAL_HRS_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's earned clinical hours in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_EARN_ATTND_HRS_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's earned attendance hours in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_GPA_UNITS_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's GPA units in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_QUALITY_POINTS_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's quality points in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_GPA_INCL_TRANS_1234!}- The student's GPA in the course group (Including Transfer Credits)
  • {!CG_TOTAL_HRS_1234!}- Total hours in the course group
  • {!CG_TOTAL_CRS_1234!}- Total credits in the course group
  • {!CG_TOTAL_CLINICAL_HRS_1234!}- Total clinical hours in the course group
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