On the discussion's page, you can adjust its settings and edit the title or topic (before any comments are posted). You should review these items before publishing it and letting the discussion commence.

Publishing a discussion

If the Published setting is set to No, the discussion is still a draft and students can neither view it nor comment on it. If set to Yes, then students can make comments and view it (students can view published discussions even after comments are closed). There are two ways to publish a discussion:
- You can edit the discussion topic(and title) right up until someone (including you) posts a comment. After editing the topic, you can either Save it or Save and publish the discussion.
- Under Settings, set Published to Yes.
Other settings
- You can edit the discussion topic(and title) right up until someone (including you) posts a comment.
- You can change any of the discussion's settings by clicking the setting name, making your changes, and saving.
- To delete a discussion, click Actions and select Delete Discussion. This lets you delete the discussion and all its comments and data. (Graded discussions can only be deleted by deleting the associated assignment.)
- Peer rating: If set to Yes, then students can rate other students' comments/replies with one to five stars (see the picture below). Each comment will then display the average peer rating. You can use peer rating as a grading requirement in graded discussions.