In this article, you'll learn how to add a degree to a student, as well as how to edit the degree details to indicate various events in the student's course of study.

- You'll find degrees on both student and alumni profiles (provided you have academic information on file for your alums).
- A student can have multiple degrees and majors/minors(a.k.a. "specializations").
- There are three degree statuses:
- Pursuing: The student is still working towards this degree.
- Inactive: The student is no longer pursuing this degree.
- Granted: The student has earned/finished this degree.
- Catalog Year refers to the academic year's degree requirements required of the student.
- Anticipated Completion Date is based on the Length field in the degree's basic information.
How to add a degree to the student

To add a degree, you need to have the Registrar or Academic Admin role, or be the student's Advisor.
- Click Add a degree.
- Select the degree from the drop-down.
- Enter the Pursuing date.
- Select a Catalog Year from the drop-down. Only change this if you want the student to fulfill requirements from a different academic year than what is automatically selected.
- Enter an anticipated completion date.
- Check if you wish to show this degree on the student's transcript for that program.
- When you're done, click Save.
After adding the degree:
- If the student did not already have the degree's program, that program is also added to the student.
- The degree's status, pursuing date, and anticipated completion date are all figured into various reports and statistics throughout Populi.
How to edit a degree and add specializations

To edit a degree, start by clicking and select Edit degree. When editing a degree, you can change any of the fields or add a specialization.
- To grant a degree, change the status to granted. Have a look at this article for full details (look under Granting a degree).
- To add a specialization:
- Click add a specialization.
- Select the specialization from the drop-down.
- Click Add.
- Check whether to show this specialization on the transcript.
- You can add multiple specializations to any degree.