
Adding and modifying a student's degrees on the Profile > Student view

In this article, you'll learn how to add a degree to a student, as well as how to edit the degree details to indicate various events in the student's course of study.

  • You'll find degrees on both student and alumni profiles (provided you have academic information on file for your alums).
  • A student can have multiple degrees and majors/minors(a.k.a. "specializations").
  • There are three degree statuses:
    • Pursuing: The student is still working towards this degree.
    • Inactive: The student is no longer pursuing this degree.
    • Granted: The student has earned/finished this degree.
  • Catalog Year refers to the academic year's degree requirements required of the student.
  • Anticipated Completion Date is based on the Length field in the degree's basic information.

How to add a degree to the student

To add a degree, you need to have the Registrar or Academic Admin role, or be the student's Advisor.

  1. Click Add a degree.
  2. Select the degree from the drop-down.
  3. Enter the Pursuing date.
  4. Select a Catalog Year from the drop-down. Only change this if you want the student to fulfill requirements from a different academic year than what is automatically selected.
  5. Enter an anticipated completion date.
  6. Check if you wish to show this degree on the student's transcript for that program.
  7. When you're done, click Save.

After adding the degree:

  • If the student did not already have the degree's program, that program is also added to the student.
  • The degree's status, pursuing date, and anticipated completion date are all figured into various reports and statistics throughout Populi.

How to edit a degree and add specializations

To edit a degree, start by clicking and select Edit degree. When editing a degree, you can change any of the fields or add a specialization.

  • To grant a degree, change the status to granted. Have a look at this article for full details (look under Granting a degree).
  • To add a specialization:
  1. Click add a specialization.
  2. Select the specialization from the drop-down.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Check whether to show this specialization on the transcript.
  5. You can add multiple specializations to any degree.
  • After making your changes, click Save to finish.
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      Bonnie Stephenson

      not helpful.

      Where do I find the Add a degree???

    • 0
      Brendan O'Donnell

      Bonnie Stephenson

      To add a degree to a student, see the image and instructions under the heading called How to add a degree to the student in the above article.

      If you're wondering how to set up a new degree that your school is offering so you can then add it to students, start with this article (you have to have the Academic Admin role to set up a degree).

      Feel free to reach out via Support Request if that doesn't get you what you're after...

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