In this article, you'll learn how to set up custom academic honors and apply them to students.
- Honors are academic awards (Dean's List, Summa Cum Laude, etc.) given to students, typically in recognition of overall academic achievement.
- An Academic Admin user sets up your school's custom honors in Academics > Settings > Honors.
- Honors are awarded to students either manually or via automated GPA triggers. Honors appear on the Profile > Student view.
- Depending on the type of honor, they also appear on student transcripts.
- There are four types of honors:
- By Program: These honors are restricted to students enrolled in the program(s) you specify.
- By Degree: These honors are given to students after they are granted the degree(s) you specify.
- By Term: All students, regardless of program or degree, are eligible for these Honors.
- By Student: These are honors you manually apply to students without respect to their academic achievement (i.e. "Good Citizenship", "Recycler of the Month", etc.).
How to set up custom honors
To create a new honor for your school, you must have the Academic Admin role.
- Go to Academics > Settings > Honors.
- Click Add Honor.
- Select the type(Program, Degree, etc.).
- Select whether to apply this honor automatically or manually.
- Give the honor a name.
- If you choose automatically, enter the GPA range and minimum units (credits/hours) that will trigger this honor.
- Program and degree honors are based on the student's cumulative GPA and units.
- Term honors are based on the student's GPA and units in a particular term.
- Enter an optional Start on date for the honor. Before this date, the honor will not be applied to students.
- Choose what program(s) this honor will apply in.
- For program honors, you'll be asked which standings to include.
- For degree honors, you'll select individual degrees within the chosen program.
- When you're done, click Save.
After creating the honor:
- Edit it by clicking its name and making your changes.
- If you need to retire the honor, you'll see that option in the dialog when you edit it.
- Delete it by clicking .
- It can now be applied to students (see below)—automatically or manually.
How to add honors on the Profile > Student view
If you've set up automatic honors, they will automatically apply to students who meet the GPA and unit requirements for the appropriate programs, degrees, or terms. You can also manually-apply any honor:
- Go to the Profile > Student view.
- In the right column, click add an honor.
- Select the honor. Some honors will prompt you to choose a term, degree, or program as well.
- Click Save.
After the honor is added:
- The student will receive the Honors system tag as well as the tag specific to that honor.
- The honor will appear on the student's transcript under the appropriate program, degree, or term.
- You can remove a manually-added honor by clicking and selecting Remove Honor.