Features & Improvements
You can now use your Authorize.net gateway to take recurring payments and donations.
Updated our error pages to make them comely and attractive. Doing it wrong never looked so good.
, and
like we said we would.
You can now customize the Bookstore order confirmation email like a total boss.
Generously gave the Gradebook XLS export a new column for assignment points.
Updated the Unicheck integration so you can use their commenting features.
Added labels to filter condition fields to make them more accessibility-friendly.
There's a new Term Supply List right below the Term Book List in Bookstore.
Tuned up image embeds (like in News posts and Lessons, etc.) to fix a half-dozen or so scaling issues people occasionally ran into.
Embiggened the export dialog for transcripts and rosters so that the PRINT button appears where it ought to for Google Chrome users.
Refined how the IPEDS report calculates Graduated from High School Less Than 12 Months Ago and Recent HS Grad, presumably because it was a little rough around the edges.
The Student Schedules export on Academic Term was sometimes timing out. Get it? Schedules? Timing out? Like, running out of time? And schedules have to do with time?
Course change logs would show you links to Page 2 and Page 3 and so on, but if you clicked one, YOU GOT NOWHERE. That's because the pagination WAS BROKEN. But ever since we FIXED IT, you can get where you need to go.