
July 1 to July 12, 2019 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

You can now use the Financial Aid report actions to tag the people represented in the reports.

Should you want to export a transcript for a student who has only transfer credits to his name, you can now do that.

The FISAP report (in Financial > Financial Aid > Reporting) is now accessible to all schools, whether or not they make use of the DOE integration features.

Shuffled a few things so that the description and metadata returned by are displayed more usefully to our users.


Looks like we'd mislabeled the FAFSA/ISIR birthdate question as Born Before 1-1-1992 and not Born Before 1-1-1996. Egg on our faces.

Found a few more spots where things like & were displaying as & or innocent little apostrophes were rendered as the completely monstrous &039; , among other things.

If you linked a recurring payment to an organization, those payments wouldn't necessarily show up on the student's account.

The import a field option on the application design page was a little bit haywire owing to—now, I'm gonna have to start speaking gibberish here—the combination of autofocus and autocomplete brushing up against the new API rate limits.

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    Molly Hoffman

    Thanks for the ability to "TAG" by FA awards....very, very helpful!

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