
July 15 to July 26, 2019 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Auto-applied payments went to school and got an education, and so can now act more wisely by seeking out the charges that need to be paid down first. For example, they used to just look for the oldest invoices first; now they look for the most urgent payment deadlines.


Removed some now-misleading text from various settings that said you need a Stripe account to use recurring payments and suchlike.

Updated the COD edit codes, whatever those are.

Fixed a co-requisites bug that grayed out the co-req course if you first registered for particular sections of the course.

If you tried adding a profile picture to a person or organization whilst creating said person or organization, the picture wouldn't save—especially if the picture was poorly composed and didn't incorporate the golden ratio in its subject matter.

If you made a rubric criteria worth 0% and multiple levels worth 0 points, Populi disregarded the level you'd pick and would default to the rightmost level after you submit it.

That naughty Clearinghouse report would limit the available terms on the drop-downs if you picked more than one term to report on in the same report.

We've been sending students notifications about assignments to which they do not yet have access. Sorry...

Payment plans could sometimes create what have been described around here as "ghost deadlines", which weren't nearly as cool as that epithet indicated.

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