Features & Improvements
The new Online Reference FERPA Waiver setting in Admissions > Settings lets you record whether the student waives his/her right of access to the reference you collect for the application. Read more about it in this article.
We added new detail views for the Canadian T2202 and T4A tax forms à la the detail view we recently released for 1098-Ts.
Changed the appearance of the indicators for unread discussions, lesson progress, and assignment activity to make them more legible to the visually-impaired.
Grade reports now include in-progress grades for unfinalized courses—among other things, this lets you export mid-term grade reports. We also moved the bulk grade report export from Academic Term > Courses to Academic Term > Students.
Gave that same Students report a new Locks filter.
We now import Plus Loan counseling notifications through the DOE integration thingy.
Added the little profile Bio blurbs to the export helper.
You can now use retired degrees as triggers for fee rules.
Three new transcript layout variables:
Like to change your payment gateway configuration? Now we have you on videotape! That stuff's in the changelog now.
You can now specify a reply-to email address on financial aid disbursement batches.
Added an automation for when transfer credits are set to Approved.
Hey, printed tests now look a little nicer than they used to. If you see 'em around, make sure to give 'em a compliment.
Beta Releases
Added some of that new Search mojo to Library Search.
Apostrophes in communication plan emails were showing up as garbled HTML entities.
Closures outside of an Academic Year's dates wouldn't display on the AY's page (but would appear in Calendar).
Fixed the Citizenship field export so it includes the entire country's full name, not just the abbreviation.
If an applicant saved an application answer and then deleted it the percent-completed figure wouldn't update.
Bulleted and numbered lists were omitting the numerals and bullets on essay assignments when the instructor was viewing the essay.
Added error and warning notices to the COD Awards view and filter in Financial Aid.
Links in emailed notifications were frequently broken. They should all be good now.
Found a few phrases we missed in Localizations that were either absent altogether or going untranslated.
Academic Auditors couldn't see course bulletin boards without the faculty role. Not cool.
Recurring payment notices would send themselves in multiples if the payment deadline was on or past the 28th of the month.
We were duplicating the application fee payment for cloned applications. Oops!
Fixed a
error for certain users who tried to remove user roles from other people.
Isaac Grauke and a glowing green mountain bike would like to tell you about our upcoming course improvements, to-wit: the new Syllabus and Files views.