The Files view gathers together all the files you've uploaded to Syllabus, individual assignments (not student submissions), and lessons.
- The main view is accessible as follows:
- Course faculty, teaching assistants, registrars, and academic admins can view and add files.
- Students can view files (if you want them to be able to add files, give them access to a folder—see below).
- Check next to a file to see options to download, copy, move, or delete it.
- Click the file to view it within the Populi file viewer. It lets you watch videos, listen to audio, and view images and documents.
- In the file viewer, click to download, rename, send, or trash the file.
Folders let you organize files (and clean up the screen's real estate if you have lots of files in your course).
- Create a new folder by clicking Add folder and giving it a name.
- Click a folder to view its files, add more to it, or manage who can access it (and how).
Uploading and importing files
You can upload or import files right from the main Files view or within any folder. You can also import files from your Populi Files or other courses.
To upload files:
- Click Add files.
- Drag-and-drop the file or files you're after into the upload area. You can also search for files on your computer.
- Upload as many files at a time as you wish.
- When you're done, click... um, Done.
To import files:
- Click Add files.
- In the dialog, click import files.
- Choose the area from which you'd like to import files. My Files refers to your Populi Files; you can also choose any course for which you are faculty.
- Check the files you wish to import.
- When you're done, click... um, Done.