
January 20 to January 31, 2020 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Advisors can now see private contact information for their Advisees, joining the esteemed ranks of Staff and Faculty users who can already do so.

Some transcript request improvements:

  • Electronic transcripts with expiration dates now include that date in the email sent to the transcript recipient.
  • Clarified the explanatory text that appears here and there.
  • Added some validation to the fields so jokers can't enter stuff like sharkonomic snugglepuffin the email address field (to give you one f'rinstance...).
  • Improved how the changelog memorializes the generation and sending of transcript PDFs.
  • Financial aid users can now cancel a disbursement batch after all the disbursements have been posted and then voided.
  • To the Financial Aid > Awards report export we've added the award's account number and name.


Fixed a bunch of things with adding locks to advised students in various spots in Academics and Advising.

The IPEDS financial aid report could sometimes miss awards owing to a mistmatch between reporting year and aid year.


Joseph Schoolland walks you through all the options you get when setting up a graded discussion.

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