
November 1 to November 5, 2021 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

The Waitlist report now includes a few new informative and helpful columns: Max Enrolled, Enrolled (which includes Incomplete students), and Openings.

The ABHE Annual Report was updated to allow you to make a custom definition of what constitutes a "Fall" term (both current and previous).

The Financial Aid > Awards table export now includes columns for COA (9-month and Program), EFC (9-month and Program), Student Need, Expected Aid, EFC Substitutions, Remaining Need, and, for UK customers only, "Favourite Fentiman's Flavour".

Added a thing that disables the COD sync if you don't have your COD routing number entered.

Added a new option to the incredibly popular Canvas Enrollment Withdrawal Behavior setting. The new option is called "Populi Deleted is Canvas Deleted, Populi Withdrawn is Canvas Inactive". As a writer—a lover of words strung together in phrases—who contends on a daily basis with the way software forces us to abuse human language, I sometimes feel myself staring into the abyss and know that it is staring back at me. But after seeing this new option, and knowing there was no meaningful way to improve it or shorten it, I felt the abyss pointing at me and rolling on the floor, laughing.


Fine-tuned some stuff with test question auto-saving to deal with an occasional "deadlock" issue that distressed some students and frightened quite a few others.

Unapplied credits from people merged into other people would be linked on the Aging/Unpaid Invoices report to the deleted person causing grief and misery.

The Unpaid/Unapplied Deposits report export wouldn't actually export anything besides heartache and sorrow.

If you tried bulk-applying a Lock on the Student Balances report the operation would abjectly fail if a large number of people were selected; the only thing you could bulk-apply would be sadness and horror.


Josh Stevenson guides us through the lifecycle of a course and demonstrates a whole bunch of different workflows while he's at it.

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