Features & Improvements
After spending a week away from our computers we can't find any of the features we were working on. They're here somewhere... for now, enjoy some bugfixes.
We weren’t updating Program EFC on the aid application when you selected a new Aid Classification that changed the program months for the aid application. Sorry!
Form notifications wouldn't fire if you pasted the email address into the notification dialog—we were adding a bunch of invisible junk characters that broke the address. Mea culpa!
The FISAP report was including dual-credit high school students, a big no-no since surly teenagers ought not be included in those tallies. Please accept our apologies.
The IPEDS Outcome Measures report would not export all students in the Data used to generate this report section. We grovel before you for absolution.
Soft credits for recurring donations wouldn't link to the spouse correctly. Lo, we are devastated.
Users without permissions to reset another user's login approvals would nonetheless be presented with that option. Sorry!