Features & Improvements
We got our hot little hands on the 2022-2023 Pell Grant tables, and out of a sheer sense of mangnaminity and graciousness, we're baking them into Populi—free!—just as we have for years and years now.
Enormous Campus Life news... I don't know how one single Release Note can handle something this big... basically, we changed the ordering of Campus Life violations in drop-downs to be alphabetical rather than whatever we were doing before (which wasn't alphabetical).
Whitelisted forms.office.com
so you can embed Microsoft's inferior so-called "forms" product in things like lessons and news items.
Fixed a display problem on the Recurring Charges report that showed Times Charged = 0 for certain kinds of payment plans, an issue that made Populi completely unusuable for everyone.
Referrer headers only worked in the Library Links area. I don't know what that means, but we fixed it.
Fixed some math that needed improvement in the IPEDS FT/PT outcome measures report.
We weren't letting you embed unlisted Vimeo links in bulletin boards, but now we are.