
February 28 to March 4, 2022 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

The Invoices and Pending Charges reports have a new Tag filter condition. Bet you can't wait to take it for a test drive!

Added the term name to the Charges/Credits report when you're viewing it in Individual Invoice Items detail mode. After you take that Tag filter condition for a drive, you'll probably get behind the wheel of this other new thing we did this week.


The Bookstore shoppin' cart (aka Shopping Cart) item indicator number wouldn't update after you paid for your college hoodies and Introduction to Remedial Number Recognition Vol. 2 textbook using PayPal.

Some of the interface text on the read-only application page was not localizationable, but we localizationalificatedized that stuff and now you can translate it into other languages.


Josh Stevenson and his heretofore unknown authoritarian streak all but gets into old-fashioned fisticuffs with his brother Gabe as he explains how to manually apply tuition schedules to students.

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