Features & Improvements
Not this week, looks like. Some big things in the hopper, though...
Someone finally noticed that CIP Code 15.0000 was not available to be added to degrees. Now that we've added that, they're all available! Collect them all!
Going back into the vaults for these two clips that are very relevant this time of year: Josh Stevenson declaims on the subjects of how student grades are calculated and how to finalize a course. Timely!
Kinda sales-y, but since we don't ever do this to you, we figured there was enough goodwill to pass these along... if you know anyone who's looking at college software, here are a couple quick introductions to Populi...
- This one's on the blog and serves as a quick introduction to what we do.
- And this one's on YouTube and covers the same ground as the aforelinked article.