
August 1 to August 5, 2022 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

Increased the allowable data storage amount in email signatures to a whopping 65,535 bytes, which will let y'all copy-paste some truly elaborate HTML email signatures in that setting.


Speaking of HTML stuff, if you added a custom email template to an application's Initial Email setting, when sent to an applicant, the paragraph breaks in the email were hyuuuuge. We ensmallened those.

In a bug introduced about a week ago, we took away the ability for faculty, academic admins, and registrars to edit or delete course discussion comments. In a fix introduced about a week ago, we smashed that bug.

The due date calendar selector on the Course > Assignments view did not respect custom student access dates until we taught it some manners.


First up we have some upcoming Focus Sessions:

Gather 'round as Josh puts the "fun" in Funnel Report with this video (actually, the developers put the "fun" in that report; Josh is only identifying said fun).

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