
August 22 to August 26, 2022 Release Notes

Features & Improvements

The Export Helper (which also caused a bunch of trouble this week as described in Bugfixes, below) got new options for Specialization Type and Degree Catalog Year.

Added a whole mess of columns to the Term Book List export: Course Number, Course Name, Department, Section Number, Term, ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher, and Required*. Also changed "Opt." to the more legible "Optional".

You can now filter Academic Term > Faculty by "Faculty" and "Teaching Assistant", as well as Enrollments and Auditors.

The getPerson API call can now tell you whether a person's contact info is public or private.


Maybe you didn't notice it, but we sure did (eventually): the Action menu on the Donors report had duplicated Print Yearly Summary options.

The Program filters in Academics > Reporting > Analytics weren't working, like, at all, man.

Cleaned up a bunch of junk that was causing the Unpaid Invoices report to barf (that's a technical term) when you exported it using the Export Helper.

That lousy Export Helper! It was also producing export-related nausea when you included Middle Names in the exports for the Payments/Refunds and the Charges/Credits reports.

When we released Dark Mode, we forgot to exclude embeds.

Library label export filenames included the dishonest and misleading word Editable, so we scratched that out of the code.

Videos, Focus Sessions, and Announcements

We're replacing the user forum in the Knowledge Base with the new Populi Discord Server. Find out what the phrase "Populi Discord Server" means and how you can get an invitation to it in the aforelinked article.

Coupla Focus Sessions next week:

  • Introduction to Academics will cover some basics about setting up academic years, terms, programs, degrees, the course catalog, course instances and so on. This will be most useful to Registrar and Academic Admin users. It's scheduled for August 30th, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific time.
  • Introduction to Admissions goes into the basics about application settings, designing your application, processing applications, managing leads and so on. This will be most useful to Admissions and Admissions Admin users. It's scheduled for September 1st, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific time.

Josh Stevenson invites you to bask in the simplicity of Simple Payment Plans.

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