It would be expedient to provide a QuickBooks Web Connect interface to upload/download billing and payment information to/from QuickBooks. The QuickBooks Web Connect API could be used to push/pull this data from Populi. This could alleviate the manual reconciliation process between the two and allow for more detailed information in the financial software.
Mark Ackerman Official comment Hi Liz,
Thank you for your input. QB Web Connect has been on our radar recently. We are in an exploratory phase with it right now, so we'll see if anything results. We definitely understand the the inconvenience of double data entry and how something like QB Web Connect might alleviate some of that.
Santhi Perumal Hi Mark,
It will be great to have it work with QB Enterprise as well. Not sure if this is just for QB Pro etc. Thank you
Tim Sanders Have there been any developments on this? It would be great to be able to have an integrated solution.
Adam Sentz @Tim - Nothing to report other than it's still under consideration.
Matt Ayars Any update on this guys? Can we expect a Quickbooks integration to come soon?
Daniel Soares Is this integration still under consideration by Populi?
Samantha (Sammi) Scott Any updates on this?
Jonathon Beeke We would certainly benefit if there was a clean and easy way to integrate with QuickBooks!
Elaine Phillips Following.
We are always hoping this will happen.
Kevin Shea So, here's the issue. We manually post Populi transactions to our QB system in aggregate numbers. Meaning, we allow the Populi AR ledger to be our true outstanding account receivables as this is a more efficient way of tracking what is owed by the students. The array of transactions reflected in any days posting is varied reflecting the nature of accounting entries for invoices, payments and fees. This array leaves us exposed to errors as the person(s) posting the transactions may not be entirely knowledgeable as to accounting processes and needed postings to the right accounts. By nature, the process of manually postings increases the chances the transactions may not be posted correctly thereby creating an out of balance condition. An automated interface would mitigate all of the above concerns.
Rex Howe Any update on this? This would be a fantastic feature.
Tara Lynne Campbell Or how about a report that we can download which is compatible with QB's import function? That could be an easier middle ground! And QB is so popular it would make sense to build a custom report for it, versus other less widely-used software.