It would be nice to be able to click an "X" next to the alerts at the top of the home page for individual courses. If there is something to no longer need to pay attention to, that would be awesome to remove that.
Elaine Phillips Agreed. Especially for instructors!
Permanently deleted user Agreed!
David Veum Anything happening on this?
Ginger Howell The students at my organization just requested this as well!
Julie Speer It would also be nice to customize alerts for only late submissions.
Marianne Vanderboom agreed, agreed, agreed!
Sarah Barkman Another suggestion that might help would be to highlight "new" alerts. Many of our faculty (and I'm assuming students too) constantly have alerts and so never bother looking to see if there is something new.
Judi Melton I have a nagging alert from two years ago that I can't get rid of. Have we figured out how to do that yet?
Adam Sentz @Judi - If you open a support request with some details one of our support reps can take a look.
Vadim Chepurny please add this option
Madison Murphy Yes!! It's very frustrating as a student when it says that we have tests due for weeks when it's referring to retakes.
Nicole Drew A "remove" AND a "snooze" option would be handy. I'm thinking of situations where a student might turn in an assignment early. It's helpful to know that, but often I prefer to wait to grade the assignment until everyone has turned in their work. I would love an option that would allow me to "snooze" an alert until the actual due date. Maybe the alert would pop back up as soon as another student submits work, but at least I would know something new has happened rather than constantly opening the alert and just seeing the same ambitious student's early work. :)
Adam Sentz Nicole Drew - I like the snooze option idea.
Clay McFerrin More generally, I would like some way to customize the types of alerts that I see. As a "central office" user, I have several essential Populi roles that result in my seeing alerts that don't pertain to my actual job functions. It would be great, for example, to be able to "turn off" alerts pertaining to inquiries or pending applications, without losing the actual functionality of the Admissions Admin role.
Marybel Good We would like a way to remove or dismiss alerts, especially old ones that have been there for a long time.
Dave Czarnecki Upvoting.
Adam Schreiber yes please - this is still an issue.
Timothy McNinch This is important. I hesitate to allow retakes because the alerts become an annoyance on everyone's dashboard.