We have students who take Independent Study (IS) courses. Those are not standard courses, but rather one-off's that happen every semester. Each IS gets its own name & course ID based on what the student is studying, so you can see how it is very possible for a name/ID to be used only once. The only standard about these IS courses is that the Course ID begins with IS. It would help to be able to add a fee rule that says 'Course begins with IS'. Could you add the Operator "Begins With"?
1 comment
Dee McOwen The "begins with" operator would be helpful in all reporting, not just financial. I would like to see other operators as well such as:
- contains
- blank
- not blank
- does not equal
- greater than (this is in addition to greater than or equal to)
- less than (also in addition to less than or equal to)
- one of
- not one of
- between
- not between
These were all operators we could use in Blackbaud (our previous software) which made querying very comprehensive. These operators were available for every field.
I love Populi, but the querying/reporting has been a bit of a disappointment (not huge because support is so helpful).
Thanks for considering.
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