It would be helpful to customize what name displays on a person's profile. Currently, we can only see the Populi name. We'd like the option to do first-middle-last or something similar. It's confusing to faculty and staff because most other documentation shows the legal name.
Adam Sentz Official comment Click your pic/initials at the top right and choose Settings. On the General Settings tab (where you start) find the Show full names on profiles by default setting. Choose Yes and then click Save Settings at the top right.
Twyla Gills Is this change system wide for all users or only for the user who selects it?
Adam Sentz Twyla Gills - It's a personal setting so it just applies for the individual user. Also, you can also always click on a profile name to flip from one to the other if you need to check.
Twyla Gills We are trying to train people on clicking to flip the name shown. I'll let them know they can customize it individually. We'd really like the ability to set this system wide though, so all users see the same thing.
Maddie Snyder Is there a way to change setting so legal name gets pulled in reports instead of preferred name?
Maddie Snyder Never mind, it was pulling the legal name!