Mark Assignment as Incomplete


Some of our faculty would like to see the option to mark an assignment as Incomplete in the gradebook (on the level of an assignment, not on the course as a whole), with the result that an Incomplete assignment counts negatively (as a zero) against their course average. I've seen a different feature request asking for an Incomplete assignment not to count against the grade, but we're asking for it to be counted as a zero. 

We also know that teachers could just put a zero in for that assignment, but we would like to differentiate between an earned grade of 0 (it's too late to turn the assignment in) and an incomplete overdue assignment that they can still turn in. It would also help visually in the gradebook to see what's incomplete. Also, an assignment marked as Incomplete could prohibit a teacher from finalizing grades -- they would have to go back and change those Incompletes to zeroes in order to finalize the course.


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