It would be helpful for students and advisers to be able to see that a course outside of a course group substituted in as fulfilling a specific course within the course group. Much like a transfer course does. The other capability that would be nice to have is to show that a specific course within a course group was waived. While the exceptions allows you to write notes the student/adviser has to conscientiously scroll down to the exceptions.
Patrick Friesen I have posted a similar request elsewhere. Perhaps they can be combined into one.
Amanda Hoyle We would like to add our voice to this also. Course exceptions being handled in the same manner as transfers (X substituted for Y, within our institution) would be MOST helpful.
Jonathon Beeke I too would like to add my voice to this. I think if waived courses (different than transfer of credit courses) could show up on the student transcript - perhaps indicated as simply "Waived" - this would be great! This may be done through adding exceptions to the student's degree, but these "excepted courses" don't show up on the student transcript, whereas waived courses should.
Clarissa Marin This feature would alleviate inquiries from students regarding "issues" with their audit. The other issue with course exceptions is that they are currently only attached to a degree and students can change their major/degree several times. I have to manually add all exceptions to the new degree/major every time they make changes! Any updates on this?
Nadine Bryant This would be very beneficial for us for students who return to our school after being withdrawn for awhile. When we change our core courses, it would enable us to link the new course to the old one so that it will show up as a completed course to be applied to the current degree requirements since we only have one set of requirements at any time.
Dr. Beemer I would add a vote for this. We have a course that most students are required to take but not if they've been in college previously. Instead of setting up as a separate course group (proliferating groups) it would be great to be able to waive it. Also, we changed from 2 letter to 3 letter prefixes and when students return it is difficult to map courses without adding a lot of old courses to groups.
Mary Neel We were just in a student's record and noticed this again, too. I also vote for substituted courses to be listed just like the transfer courses in students' course groups. I would also find it helpful if the course was then removed from the 'Unused courses' list. When considering the credit listing in the course groups for the substituted class, it could remain in tack and, therefore, not change the course group credit requirements. As it is now, even though a student may have completed with all the credits required for that course group, Populi shows the reduced credit requirement as only being met due to the exception being entered. Thanks, Populi techies; you're great!
Lenice Barnett There are instances where a student was allowed to take a course within their discipline but not on their specific track. I recognize that the exceptions allows you to make limited adjustments. However it does not allow you to substitute one course for another.It would be helpful if we could indicate/ list the course required and the course substituted as an addition to the existing exception dialogue box
Josiah Stephan I second this. It would make things so much easier..
Sue Lamphere We are setting up degree audit now. My first experience with it out of the gate was that I couldn't substitute X for Y.
Kevin Ortiz Agreed. Several different departments over here at Grace would benefit immensely from a feature like this, particularly if it reflected so on the degree audits and transcripts.
Cheryl McLim We are adding our vote to this too. It would be so helpful since we do so many substitutions and the present way of doing things is not all that great.
Douglas Lewis Exceptions will work for us in some circumstances, but not in all. Here are two common ones where it won’t.
--Student asks us to substitute course A for course B before he takes A. Sensible student; he won’t take A if he can’t use it. If we make an exception, the line for B in the Degree Audit says that there are 0 cr required. But he hasn’t taken A yet. Workaround: I suppose that we can reduce the units for course B by .1 cr and put this line into the Exception note: “Substitute A (not completed yet).” Then the line for B in the Audit will show 2.9 cr required, and the Exception note will remind the student that he hasn’t completed A yet. But what an awkward and confusing way to do it. Surely the Degree Audit should be straightforward and self-explanatory.
--Course C fits into one Course Grouping on the Audit, but the student asks us to substitute it for something in another Grouping. Example: Joe takes TH 343 History of Christian Thought I. This fits into the “Bible-theology elective” Grouping on his program. Joe asks us to substitute it for HF 231 History of Western Civ I in the “Arts and Science core” Grouping. If we create the Exception, TH 344 will replace HF 231 (via exception) and also show as counting toward the “Bible-theology elective” Grouping. Joe comes up to grad—his Audit says he’s ready—we tell him he has 3 more cr to do—embarrassed registrars, unhappy student, angry parents, donations go down, Prairie closes…. Well, no, I exaggerated that. But I’ve been in an analogous situation, and it can make for one bitter alumnus.
Sue Lamphere Can we get an update on enhancements to the degree audit and where things stand with Populi? I would like to start using it this summer but am hesitant to spend a lot of time if I can wait a bit and see if it gets better.
Adam Sentz You can now substitute and waive courses in degree audits.
Carla Bender Sounds great! Thanks.
Clarissa Marin Yeah Populi!!!!! This made my day!
Sue Lamphere GREAT NEWS!!!
Sue Lamphere Please see my feature request and give it a thumbs up if you agree!