It would be great to have more options for variables in Email and Printed Letter Templates. So when I'm sending an email or letter I can easily import more fields, like address, advisor, counselor, their program name, etc. I'd like to send out a letter that says "Dear {Student}, Thanks for your interest in the {Program} program. If you have any questions please talk to your Program Advisor, {Advisor} at {Advisor's Phone Number} or {Advisor's Email}....."
Adam Sentz Official comment Judging by the comments on this post, it's become a sort of catch all for requesting additional email/letter template variables. Just to be clear, comments on a feature request aren't considered part of the feature request. So if you want, for example, a template variable that isn't mentioned in this feature request you should request that separately, and not post it in the comments here. It's a lot more useful for us to see "a lot of people want this particular variable" vs "a lot of people want additional variables."
Debbie Mouser I would like the same options as above - especially counselor name.
Christal Fehr I'll add one more comment... student ID variable would be extremely helpful... we print that on all our acceptance letters and confirmation of enrollment letters.
Kurtis Habecker We also would like to see Addresses. Right now the only way we see to get that is by doing a workaround and putting part of the template in the Page Layout
Shelley Vail Programs with Majors and Minors would help too please.
Dave Veldkamp It would also be great to have gender specific terms. For example, I'd like to be able to send letters to parents that refer to "son/daughter" or "him/her."
Phuong Nguyen For email templates - it'll be great to have the Recipient's Address variable (as is currently available in Letter templates)
For email & letter templates: primary phone number & primary email would be great!
Matthew Pillman I agree with the comments above! Especially the Recipient's Address would be helpful!
Jack Lam This would be extremely useful! I can think of a few:
Student_First, Student_Last, Student_ID, Student_DoB, Student_Major, Student_Program
Denver Hutchinson I agree with Jack, these features would be extremely helpful for getting students connected with their program advisors and vice versa, and would be a valuable tool in maintaining follow-up with online students working to complete their programs.
Donna Harrington Letters need address fields to be useful. It looks unprofessional to generate letters without them.
Krysta Hartman In last week's Release Notes, I see you added variables for Discipline Letter layouts... Can that be applied to all email and letter templates/layouts??
Donna Harrington I agree with the previous note. These fields need to be globally available.
Mimi Tzeng I'm trying to set up some email templates about regularly occurring group field trips. The variables that would be useful are things like today's date, trip date(s), number of students in the group, number of adult chaperones, etc. Instead of just adding more things to the dropdown list, could there be a feature where we can fill in that info while sending the email, as a list of blanks that are all in one place rather than scattered in the email text? It could be set up as {!TEXT1!} {!TEXT2!} etc and we can define what we want to actually call TEXT1 and TEXT2 in the list of blanks.
Nic Toney Why not put variables from every option on the Info tab?
Then you could input recipients' address, phone numbers, emails, to verify if they are up to date as well.
Cyndi Myers Would be create to be able to pull in custom fields as merge fields in emails and template lettes as well!
Joy King It would be awesome if we could be able to add custom variables for email templates. I could really use this feature for emails I am creating for career services that would be outside of the typical name address, etc. Thank you!
Brent Graber I'm upvoting this and several other similar feature requests like,,, and
Jace Barnett I see this thread is quite old and still visited from time to time. I also see where people have asked for the addition of specific variables that I could leverage and benefit from myself. I can't think of anything that would be as beneficial as Christal's request for a student ID.
That being said, the real benefit to me isn't in coming up with request after request for special use cases to be added to Populi to benefit institutions A, B, or C; but instead is simply to allow each institution to define their own variables on an individual basis.
Stephanie Penner I see this thread started in 2010 but there still hasn't been movement on this item. I would like to advocate the variable options for letter templates and email templates be increased to include:
- all the student fields available
- all the custom fields available
This would make it more useful for sending letters and emails to students. Otherwise, we will need to export the data and use mail merges
Toby Robinson Program and letter variables now include program and advisor names, as well as advisor phone numbers and email addresses.