For most of my courses I give a small percentage based on attendance. It would be nice to have the option to link attendance tracking to a particular assignment (i.e. Attendance Grade worth 5% of final grade) so it auto-calculated that part of the gradebook.
Shannon Kropf All of our courses are required to have an attendance grade component. This would be lovely.
Mike Krauss If this happens, which we would love to, we would be interested in Attendance rules. For example, if an instructor specifies that 3 or more unexcused absences would mean an automatic F for the course. -
Christal Fehr I like this... the attendance rules suggestion is also marvelous. We also have a policy whereby enough absences is an automatic F. Having that all automated would be fantastic!
Edward Estes I agree that it would be helpful to set-up the attendance so that the final grade is docked a particular percentage for each absence after a certain number of absences.
Joel Wingo We factor in the attendance after the final grade is calculated, reducing the grade by one increment for each unexcused absence. At this point we do that manually and it has to be redone whenever corrections are made to the Gradebook. Since that leads to mistakes, it would be nice if a rule could be set to do it automatically.
Adam Sentz You can now create "Attendance" type assignments that automatically have the attendance percentage as the assignment grade.