We'd like a "go live" button for course materials and textbooks so that faculty can post to the course without students seeing books or assignments until after everything is fully approved and finalized. Three reasons: 1) The Provost needs to approve course materials and changes can be made after they are posted. 2) The Bookstore needs lead time to order the books and the natural place to postis with the course in Populi. 3) Since the list cannot be hidden, eager students buy books before the course materials are approved.
Chris Schlect On a similar note, faculty need to be able to tinker with a course page prior to an academic term without the student seeing the tinkering. Courses are rarely--if ever--complete and ready for a student to view when students begin to register for a course.
If Populi would allow instructors some time to workshop a course, make adjustments, etc, all the while keeping it out of the students' view until it is good and ready, that would be really helpful. Perhaps a "workshop" phase for a course...
Chris Schlect
Chris Schlect Brendan,
Further note...I recommend you Populi folks take a look at the "Course Verification" menu on Angel.
Richard Wilson This would be extremely helpful. Some students are accessing material in through the iTunesU link before the semester begins... or at least before we want them to access the material.
I agree that faculty need to tinker and adjust a course before students can view it.
Allan Crowson I want to be able to use Populi for extensive online course offerings, but would like to have a "go live" button as well. Now, I assume that there is somewhat of a workaround for the lessons themselves, in that each lesson has a date assigned to it. But it would be great to not have to date each lesson/assignment, and be able to activate the course with one switch.
Bev Atwood We just discovered that this feature is active -- I can't tell when it was turned on, but we will start to use it today. If you look at the course information page, near the bottom of the list of items is "Student access". The registrar can set this to "not open to students" or "open to students". This means that text books and course materials can be uploaded to the course and visible only to administrators until everything is approved for student viewing. We are VERY excited about this new feature.