For the schools that still mail bills to the student's home, etc. it would be great to have the ability to print multiple student statements at once instead of having to go in each record and print them individually.
Dawn Dirksen This would be especially helpful for registration day and of course to send to Mom and Dad who may or may not have seen Populi.
Brendan O'Donnell We just added a PDF export of a new Statement that shows a student's outstanding invoices to the Unpaid Invoices report in Billing. You can get this same statement from a student's Financial Dashboard. And, best of all... it even includes the student's address!
Jeremiah Miller Brendan, although the new PDF export is nice, that doesn't really address the issue here. What we need is the ability to print a bunch of statements at once, instead of having to go to each individual student's account to print the statement. Basically, we need the ability to filter a group of students, then click a button that says "Print Statements".
Mike Krauss Agreed! I love the new statements, but it's very time consuming to go student by student to print statements. -
Brendan O'Donnell All,
Very sorry... I see that my earlier comment wasn't very clear—you can also mass-print the new statements from Financial > Billing > Unpaid Invoices. I'll update the help docs to clarify this, too. See the attached file for an example of this from our Demo website.
Carlos Marin Not sure if any other school still needs this, but it would be helpful to print Statements (not just individual invoices) in batch form based on tags (i.e. students that need a collections notice sent by mail along with a statement).
Kirsha MacLeod-Fitzgerald I would like this option too!!!!!! Please add this :)
Veronica Hamblin I was just about to post this as a freature request! This would be SO hlepful to us! Please review this request again.
Christine Mulka Yes, this would be great. Our Uniform Guidance auditors want student statements for the fiscal year for ALL of our students. If we could run reports for all students at once it would be lovely, and if we could run a history of transactions in a statement format (say the whole fiscal year) that would also be a great help.
Do you foresee creation of a report where we can enter a begin and end date and get statements?
Adam Sentz This feature request was marked completed in 2011. If you'd like to request additional functionality, please do so by making a new feature request.