We're finding that less and less of our students check their e-mail. Most are on facebook and/or twitter. It would be great for the student to be able to link a Populi app from facebook that would receive messages pushed by the school through Populi (e-mail, the feed, activity feed, bulletin board). We use a webbased app www.planningcenteronline.com that has this capability (as an example).
Allan Crowson Although I voted for this as well, I suspect it will not give us the results we hope, even if the app already existed.
- Facebook is notorious for changing how it interacts with external apps. Keeping up with all the changes could end up taking an enormous amount of the Populi staff time.
- Facebook users can filter what shows up on their pages, setting up another point of failure in the notification process.
- Facebook itself does not always show 100% of relevant posts, but seems to select a subset of the available posts instead.
Brendan O'Donnell Interesting thought. Allan's right about the uncertainties involved with Facebook. I, for one, prefer Twitter for this sort of thing, but we'd have to get involved with a URL shortener and every link would get stopped at Populi's login page.
More than likely, the route we'd go for the kind of broadcasting you're after would be via text/SMS (which is planned: http://support.populiweb.com/entries/192503-txt-sms-message-integration-for-emergency-notification).
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