It would really help me, as a registrar, to be able to pull up a list of all the transfer courses that students have transferred in from other institutions. so that I can quickly see what courses from, say, "X school" are equivalent to courses at our school.
Mark Ackerman Official comment We added a Transfer Credits report in Academics->Reporting->Transfer Credits some time ago. It shows the transfer institution, the equivalent course it was accepted for at your school, the grade, the credits and some other info as well. All of this is filterable and you can even accept pending transfer credits en masse. (or reject them!)
Bev Atwood Additionally, it would be helpful to be able to click on the school from whom we accepted credits, to see the student names as members of that organization. This would facilitate creating an articulation agreement without having to re-evaluate individual courses.
Patti Ashby We'd love to be able to see what courses have been recorded as accepted from a Transfer Institution and what the course was accepted as "equivalent to" from our catalog. This would keep us consistent and reduce the need to "re-invent the wheel" when the same situation comes up in the future. As has been mentioned, it would be nice to see what students have transferred credits from a particular Transfer Institution.
Mike Krauss Agreed!