Could a feature be added that would notify the teacher of a class when a student is added or deleted from the roster?
Adam Sentz Official comment We've recently added a feature to Populi called Automations that may help with some of these cases. If you'd like to submit a support request we can help figure out if it will work for you.
Leo Postovoit To expand the request, what we're after is a tool that would allow school administration to record notifications, tasks, etc. about a course to the course.
i.e. ideally any of the faculty could find out what's happening from school administration without the need for email chains.
Deborah Forteza This would definitely help us, too!
John Coumerilh Does anyone have any work-arounds for this, or a process that works well?
Mike Krauss We'd like this too. -
Christal Fehr Would love to have the option to notify others as well... like registration office and financial admin, for example.
Lorinda Rausch I agree with the post from Feb. 21, 2012. It would be nice if the registrar and financial admin would get a notice of students adding/dropping courses as well.
Sherry Davis This would be a great help!
Carrie Underwood Yes, this would be extremely helpful
Matthew Hanke Would like to see this too!
Terra Eggink We would also like to see this!