Hi, our students , staff and faculty would like to have a "save as a draft" option when typing something in Populi. Sometimes students have assignments to complete such as discussing a topic under discussions, and they get logged out if they leave the comment half way written to take care of something else. the "save as a draft" option will help eliminate students and faculty having to retype emails, and comments. Thank you!
Sarah Barkman Yes this would be excellent! I would find it especially helpful when composing emails to individual students. I am often distracted by something or someone else that is just as important and I come back to find myself logged out of Populi and when I log back in all the words I had previously composed are gone.
Remy Lehner We need an auto save setting or "save as draft" option in our discussion area. Many of our students have families, get distracted and their post gets timed out and we need to change that. Please
Adam Sentz Remy Lehner - It might be worth letting your students know that if they set their device to "trusted" Populi won't automatically log them out after an hour of inactivity. They can learn about how to do that in this article https://support.populiweb.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037268753
Daniel Kim Bumping up this post. Yes, a Save As Draft for email will be good especially when submitting regular emails using bold, italics, and other formatting features. And not to lose the email you have been typing.
Remy Lehner Thank you!