Penalty for Mass Selection on Multiple Answer Questions.

Is it possible to set a penalty if students use a mass selection strategy or modified mass selection strategy (pick everything except those they know are incorrect)?

For mulitple answer questions, can you add a mass selection strategy deterrent of some sort, possibly within each question itself, like a loss of 1 point for each answer selected that goes above the number of correct answers for the question. For example, if a student selects 4 answers when there are only 3 correct, they lose 1 mark and if they select 5 answers when only 3 are correct, they lose 2 marks. Then, for questions with say 6 possible answers, if only 2 answers were correct, a mass selection strategy would result in +2 for the correct and -4 for the incorrect or a total of -2 overall for the question.

If something along those lines could be selected as an option like "partial credit, would be appreciated. Perhaps even the number of penalty points for each answer over the number correct could be selected.


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