We would love a way to print a group of transcripts... either from the student table or from the data slicer. We keep a permanent file for each student which needs to include a final transcript... so every year after grad, I print transcripts for all students who have exited. Would love to do this in an easier fashion than one student at a time.
Nancy Butler At the end of the year we need to print a transcript for all seminarians to send to their diocese. It would be very helpful to have an option to print all instead of having to select individually for each student.
Joel Badal Yes we need this ASAP.
Toby Robinson Transcripts can now be printed in bulk from academics->academic term->students table->export->transcripts. The export will respect the filter on that page.
Christal Fehr FANTASTIC!!!!! Thanks guys!
Nabiyah Yehuda Ok but where do you find the academics page?
Nabiyah Yehuda I mean..academic terms. i was told the transcripts were on populi. When I went to the home page for academics, it seemed to be a dead end.
Adam Sentz @Nabiyah - I've attached a screen shot that shows the tabs you need to choose. If you require further assistance please submit a support request here https://support.populiweb.com/tickets/new
Deb Selin Can you have the bulk transcript download sort by last name first?
Kate Potter Is there a way to make it an option from the data slicer? We don't need the transcripts for everyone who was here in a specific term but rather just those who graduated.
Adam Sentz @Kate - That option doesn't exist, but I bet a lot of folks would find that useful. Want to add that as a new feature request?
Kate Potter @Adam - I will! Thanks! :)