class info page, click on attendance tab...
We need a simple report linked to the attendance page, so that professors who do not have a laptop in class can print out an attendance sheet (or in our case, the registrar would do this for them), and then enter the information periodically in Populi. It needs to look like the roster, but include every class meeting date. Hopefully in 10 years this wont be necessary, as everyone will have an micro laptop embedded in their forearm, but for now, many of our older professors do not utilize laptops in the classroom.
Crystal Briggs So I'm guessing for now, the only thing available for an Attendance sheet is the calendar looking document? I was hoping to be directed to a form that specified dates that correlated with the days of the week. Please help! Thanks.
Jonathan Castro We really need an attendance roll sheet with each meeting time of the term so that teaches can take attendance manually during class (since some of them don't have laptops) and input them at home.
Chris Langford This would be a very useful feature. We have faculty that pass around their attendance sheet so that they don't have to waste (their words) precious class time taking roll. Each student initials their slot for that day, and at the end of the term, the faculty member (or their TA) enters the data into Populi. We in IT can't wait for the day when this can all be done automatically, but until then, it would be a great addition.
IVY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE We have a report request that requires us to provide attendance records for every student (including their courses) for a specific date range. It would be best if we could select attendance records within a specific date range by accessing either the attendance tab or the roster tab.
Judy Fasone I also would like a printable roster -
Vahe Petrossian We have been printing the roster and making annotations then compiling the printed rosters to create a make shift attendance sheet. Our first attempt however was to create an attendance sheet manually with a generic excel sheet and copy pasted names onto it. However, we could be ok with just the roster sheet but the faculty are not happy with the small fonts. We're hoping a feature update would possibly templatize the roster so we can create our own custom roster and attendance sheets.
I have been tracking these kinds of requests: attached document was our very first draft of an attendance sheet. I think with a templating system it could get re-created in Populi, basically something similar to the transcript.
Judy Fasone I like this format although and it gives a place to mark those who leave early. It would be even better populated with the dates for the quarter, and the graduating date, section number. Thanks for this first draft. J
Nicole Valencia I just sent in a support ticket for this.
This Semester, we went to the courses in this term, clicked on Roster, and under Actions chose "Export Roster PDF."
We then edited the PDF to create a daily sign-in sheet. Sample attached.
We would like to be able to export something like this, maybe even showing the meeting times for the course.
Greg Livingston This is a sorely needed function as creating a paper attendance sheet on Excel or other spreadsheet application from the Populi roster is time consuming and tricky. If one could just press a button and have it automatically turn into an excel spreadsheet with the students' names in a vertical column on the left, and then have columns to the right or that for each class meeting with just enough space for students to initial, that would be super helpful. Please make this happen if possible, as soon as possible. Thanks!!
Anne Borghetti Has this ever been done? Otherwise with courses starting tonight I'll have to revive our old way of printing roster sheets from Access.
Adam Sentz @Anne - We haven't added a printable attendance sheet feature, but it's pretty simple to just use the Gradebook XLS Export and then delete the assignment columns. The course, section number, term, and primary faculty are already listed along with all the students and their student ID numbers. I just did a test myself and added a column for students to initial, a spot to fill in the date, and for the attendance taker to sign; I don't think it even took me a whole minute to do. Hope that helps!
Greg Caruso @Adam Smith, That doesn't work at all. When I Export XLS from the Gradebook, It just list the students and grade, no attendance.
Adam Sentz @Greg - Right. The Gradebook XLS Export is an export of the gradebook and will not have, for example, a place for students to initial. You'll need to modify it by deleting the assignment columns and adding whatever you need to use it as a sign-in sheet.
Greg Livingston Adam,
I just tried to do what you said. A big hassle for me to get the formatting set up, and I, while not a computer genius, am far from the worst computer user at my college. If you want people to be able to easily make a sign-in sheet, you all should make the function for us. Don't make us use this method- it's a hassle.