We have been running into some problems with embedding content in Lessons. It would be great if we could use the HTML 5 Video and Audio embed tags. We host all of our video and audio files ourselves so we are not able to take advantage of Populi's features for these file formats.
Adam Sentz @Daniel - We've batted around the idea, but we think that the built-in streaming media implementation Populi already has is a better way to go. Populi goes to a lot of trouble to, for example, make sure a video you upload will stream well to a variety of devices. Cross-browser HTML5 media support just isn't where it would need to be for us to feel good about including this ability.
You've got a pretty good chunk of free storage available of your account; perhaps you could give Populi's media hosting a try out? I understand that if you have a lot of media you might be worried about the cost, but we've found that, more often than not, folks overestimate the costs associated and/or underestimate the costs of doing what Populi does for themselves. If you'd like to dig into it with us, feel free to open a support request.
Brendan O'Donnell Daniel,
For what it's worth, here's a blog post about Populi video encoding and streaming: Feature Spotlight: Video encoding. And I would concur with Adam—try out our streaming/encoding/hosting using a chunk of your free storage... it won't cost you anything to look into it!
Adam Sentz @Daniel - We just announced that, as of August 1st, we're dropping the additional per GB storage fee by 60% to $1/GB and no longer charging for encoded videos. Hopefully that will make the prospect of using Populi to host your media a bit more attractive. You can read more here http://populi.co/blog/2012/07/were-dropping-the-price-on-file-storage/
Daniel Peterson Thanks Adam,
This makes it much more attractive and I have been experimenting with embedding video. One issue I have been having is that a lot of our videos are a 4:3 aspect ration and the Populi player stretches them wider. Is there a way to adjust the settings so that does not happen?
Adam Sentz @Daniel - Populi shouldn't stretch your videos. Mind opening a support request with some specifics so we can check it out?
Adam Sentz We increased included file storage for everyone a few months ago so now it's even more affordable to host your media in Populi. http://populi.co/blog/2013/06/more-free-file-storage-for-everyone/
Daniel Peterson Thanks for the update, Right now we are hosting our video with Vimeo, A pro account is $200 for every 50GB. I am currently using 163GB. Even if all 100GB of our free storage was devoted to video we would still pay $756/year with Populi. Vimeo offers us the ability to host video and post them elsewhere if we want to and handles all of the encoding for compatibility with devices. I can see the benefit of hosting the classes with Populi but right now the price is the major reason we are not.
Adam Sentz @Daniel - I'm a little late updating here, but we substantially increased our free storage a while ago (http://populi.co/blog/2014/09/way-more-free-file-storage-for-everyone/). Your account includes 2000GB for free now, and it's only 10 cents per GB per month for additional storage.
Daniel Peterson Thanks Adam, that is a great addition and I'm going to see if there is a way for us to utilize the space you provide. I don't think it will meet our current needs since we host over 1000 videos and they run from around 1GB-8GB each. With Vimeo Pro we pay a yearly fee of $200 that allows us to upload 240GB per year and doesn't charge anything for previous uploads. I think with our current storage needs we would be paying that per month otherwise.
Adam Sentz @Daniel - That's a pretty great deal. Fortunately embedding Vimeo videos in Populi is a piece of cake so it's probably a good setup for you overall.
Daniel Peterson I also wanted to mention you guys are fantastic! Can you please send my thanks to the whole Populi team. I love your learning platform and I have used quite a few as a student, a teacher and an administrator. Its great and it gets better all the time.
Adam Sentz Thanks so much!