It would be helpful to be able to edit a discussion question after posting it. As it stands, we have to delete it and rewrite it.
Raul Lozada JMJT
Dear Populi Support,
We, too, are receiving a number of requests from both faculty and students to have the ability to edit a discussion post after they have been made.
Would it be possible for Populi Developers to add an "edit post" button so that posts may be edited?
Claryce Handy Yes, it would be very helpful to be able to edit both Discussion questions & posts.
Wayne Scott The editing capability saves faculty time. This would be a nice addition to discussions.
Daniel Frigo I can only agree with what others mentioned. Even faculty have been know to make mistakes or entered text for the wrong student. I learned only a few minutes ago that I couldn't edit what I had written. Frustrating.
Aaron Baldridge I second that! I know programming is very involved but maybe this will be a relatively easy addition. -
Adam Sentz You can now edit discussion topics until someone comments. There is also a "published" setting that allows you to have draft topics that you can edit until you're ready to publish them to the course.
Naomi Davis Hello! How do I as a student go back and edit my discussion post? I noticed after I posted that I didn't put a space before the underscore as I was attempting to italicize a piece of text. I only see the option to delete and then repost.
Adam Sentz @Naomi - You can delete your comment until someone replies to it, but you can't edit it.
Katrina Gilbertson As a student, how can I delete my discussion post?
Adam Sentz @Katrina - If you are able to delete a post you should see a trash can icon at the bottom of the post. Once someone replies to your post you aren't able to delete if, but your instructor still can.
Intern Stephanie Nino Hello! I posted a Discussion just to show an instructor how to do it, but now that I would like to delete it, it seems that I am unable to? I made it into a draft so that the students wouldn't see it .. but how can I delete it?
Adam Sentz @Intern Tiffany - Please contact Populi Support via a support request.