Our acupuncture college follow grades AND hours a student has practiced AND number of patients treated as an intern in our acupuncture clinic as part of 8 required classes. It would be nice to enter all those into Academics tab>Roster and see those numbers under the Student tab>Transcript within the class in which they were earned. It would be even better to see those numbers totaled onto the Official Transcript. These numbers are required by our governing body and it would be GREAT to not have to keep those numbers on an unassociated spreadsheet.
Debbie Jones We've found a way for the faculty to enter attendance and to enter the various data points we are looking for, i.e. number of patients seen as a primary, number of patients seen as a secondary, number of new patients seen, number of formulas written. However, there is no way to collate these data points from the various shifts they complete. We need there to be a way to total these easily and quickly over a one to two year period. Currently we have teaching assistants cull through the data and add the data by had to see if the students have done their required work.
Sarah Lenoue Yes. We are just beginning to add clinic hours to Populi. As others have said, we need to be able to track clinic hours, # of treatments (or treatments observed) and and what type (acupuncture, bodywork, herbs) and also FOC or first office contact for each student. We don't necessarily need that in the transcript but we need it tracked by the system over the three years of our programs and to give totals in the transcript.
Another issue we have with adding clinic hours is that we have quite a few clinic supervisors each with just a handful of students during during their rotation. Do we assign one instructor as lead teacher for say 2nd year internship or does each 2nd year internship supervisor get added as an instructor to our for example 600 Clinic Internship.
Debbie Jones Our acupuncture college also needs a way to track the number of patients seen on each shift. Specifically, we are looking for 1) a way for our faculty to easily enter the attendance and patient number, patient type and the number of herbal prescriptions written, 2) to have those numbers keep a running total during the course and 3) for those numbers, the running total and the end of the quarter total , to be visible to both the faculty and student.
VUOM OFFICE I also wanted to see if we can implement a feature where a number of patients seen can be tracked as well. At different junctions in our students' internships (i.e. internship 1, 2, 3, etc.), we have patient number requirements. I think this would be helpful. Thank you!
Jessica Babaker It would be great if the user could specify additional fields to add to the Take Attendance screen. The name and function of these fields could be modified by course, and the data reported under an "Attendance" assignment for the course.
For example, when taking attendance, there exist the following fields, which use radio buttons: Present, Tardy, Absent, Excused. I could create an "Attendance" assignment, and specify the following, additional fields on the Take Attendance screen, which would use numerical inputs: Hours in Clinic, Number of Patients Seen, Number of Prescriptions Written.
Then, when we look at the "Attendance" assignment, we would be able to see the students' running totals for each field. It would be great to be able to specify this information for each student on each day, so that we can look back at specific days and reconcile numbers or review progress, as needed.
As others have stated, I imagine everyone is using a spreadsheet system to track these kinds of numbers, and inputting it to Populi at the end, or at regular intervals. This is definitely an obstacle to centralizing all grades/records on Populi, and for schools that must track residency hours, patients, and prescriptions, this kind of functionality is sorely missed and would be essential for record keeping!
I hope this feedback is useful in approaching next steps! Thank you for considering!