I wonder if it would be possible to add a way to pull section numbers as a limiting feature from the course list or in the data slicer. For instance, if we could add an option to filter by section number it would help us pull those courses together. Yes, we can sort by section, but can't pull just certain course/section occurrences into a list. Or, if in the data slicer we could add section number as a further identification to a course instance during a certain term.
We use section numbers to separately identify courses taught during a part of the semester (i.e. first 8-week classes or second 8-week classes as opposed to courses running the full 16 weeks semester. There are times we need to isolate just those short term classes for statistical purposes and (ideally) for notification or email purposes. I'd like to be able to pull out just those first 8-week classes and email just those students about deadlines, etc.