Our system uses four digits for our student ID's, not 10. We were wondering if there was any way that we can customize now many digits our auto-assigned new students can get. We would be starting in the 5,000's, so it would be great if we can have a way to start from where we left off. Although we could manually do this, it would be ideal to have this idea implemented.
Adam Sentz Official comment Good news: You can now have a custom student id number format. You can read about how it works here. If you need help setting yours up, or if you need your counter set to something other than 1 just let us know in a support request.
John Kim I would also like to request this feature.
Thank you.
Justin Spears Ditto.
Robb Blackaby This is a pretty critical need on our end, as we "share" a library with the another institution, and the library cannot accommodate the ten digit auto-generated Populi ID #'s. Thanks for your consideration of this.
Robb Blackaby Just a post script to my earlier message above: our institution does not necessarily need to pick up where we left off, we just need to be able to somehow change the number of digits from 10 to 9 in the student ID field. Again, thanks for your consideration.
Josiah Stephan Definitely would be great to have it customizable.
Melissa Fuller Haskin Also, would like to enter our own numbers.
Adam Sentz @Melissa - Just want to make sure you know that you can edit them to be whatever you want, you just can't change the way they are auto-generated at this point.
Adam Sentz Here's a question for y'all: is having a fixed width number important to anyone?
Robb Blackaby If I recall the conversations we have had with the library we share with an sister (undergrad) institution, yes, that would be helpful.
Norm Stoppenbrink We would also like to customize the student Id number. However, what we would want is a system in which we specify our numbering system and then Populi assigns the number based on our specifications.
LeAnn Brown We would like to to switch our numbering system from 10 digits to 6. We manually change ID numbers, but we'd prefer this process be automated.
Adam Sentz @LeAnn - You've been able to customize the format for a couple years now. If you need help setting yours up how you want please open a support request.