Dr. Germano would like a feature which allows him the opportunity to "take" a new test he sets up (like a "dry run") so that he can see how it looks and make sure that all the correct answers have been set up properly. This would help avoid errors and needing to make corrections after students have taken the test and found something was keyed in wrong when the test was set up.
James Official comment Hi Lynn! I'm sorry this feature request wasn't updated when we released the Student View feature, but I'm happy to report that taking a dry run of tests has been possible for some time now.
See https://support.populiweb.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260801113250-Using-the-Student-View-in-your-course for more information: once a faculty member flips into Student View in a course, they can take tests/quizzes without affecting statistics, student grades, etc.
Johnathon Bowers I think this feature would be very helpful. It would allow me to find mistakes on the front end before students take the test and I need to go back and edit each student's test.
Paula Sweeney I agree.
Nicole Kocher Please add this! Currently, I have to print the test from Preview, then go back into Design to look at how each question was answered so that the instructor can review the test before students take it.
Wendy Pierce I agree! This would be very helpful.
Brad Cowie I agree.
As a workaround we have created "dummy students" to do this - a fictional student alias for me that I can have put into my courses. Then I log in as my dummy student and can complete Populi tasks as a student. I can also then log back in with my normal profile and see what my dummy student's work looks like from the teacher side. So I can see anything on Populi from either a teacher or student perspective.
It does involve moving a fictional student in and out of courses, which is kind of clumsy, but it works as a workaround.
Still, a more direct route for teachers to test their own setups would be helpful.
Jerry Wyrick I want to add my voice to the list of people asking for this feature!
Lynn Mills I would also like this feature please!