Hello, We have times when it would be beneficial to disable the ability to register for courses students have already taken or a similar course in the curriculum. Possibly some kind of block so that students can only register for a certain number of courses with in a course group in their program. Then if they wish to retake a course or similar course, they receive permission to do so from administration before being allowed to register again for the course. It seems by default Populi allows students to register for and retake the same class (or similar class) as many times as they want. For our processes, it would be better if the default was a block we could choose to remove when the student received administrative approval for a retake. Hope that makes sense!
Mary Vandercook There were some instances where the students enrolled themselves in classes and found out that they were repeating a class because of the content, so yeah it might help to have a filter.
Josiah Stephan Yes, we have many students that have repeated courses. Having to go through all of our students to make sure they are not taking a course that they have already taken is very difficult. A filter in registration that would be helpful would be one that filters only classes that are on their degree audit that they haven't taken yet.
Toby Robinson While not an outright block Populi now indicates on the registration page if a student has already passed a course. If the student attempts to register for the course, Populi asks them to confirm they want to take the course again.
Donna Haug I definitely agree that this would be a very helpful feature! 1) Populi already catches the retake and gives a warning (twice). 2) Populi will keep a student from registering for a course with a scheduling conflict. So, the issue is already flagged in the system. It seems to me that preventing the student from retaking a course without permission would be doable and extremely beneficial.