Accrediting agencies require virtually every employee of an institution to be evaluated. This is perhaps the greatest headache for institutions (assessment). Currently, Populi has divisions of "admin," "academics," "staff," etc., but has only so far enabled the courses/faculty to be evaluated by the students. This is a great first step.
Why not just take the same template used for course evals and enable it to be applied to all of the personnel at an institution? Admin can evaluate each other and/or faculty, faculty can evaluate admin, and staff/admin each other. Logistically, this should not be very difficult since the extant populi course-eval code can be used as the starting point. Furthermore, populi as already organized itself according to groups (e.g., faculty, admin, etc.).
I've attached our institutional self-assessment plan, along with all related instruments, just to give Populi folks a taste of the kinds of forms required. (And as you'll see, Populi has tackled and conquered one of the big ones - course evals).
JWC Sample Assessment