Hey guys, just a suggestion that might be useful for other colleges to have this option. Many colleges like to release grades to students on a certain day and time. Is there any way that a date can be set per term that final grades become available to students on their transcript. It's not truly vital for this as it doesn't interfere with anything, just an option that some colleges may wish to use.
Adam Sentz Official comment This is a duplicate of https://support.populiweb.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/214263067
Vahe Petrossian This is a great idea. It is one of the features requests we planned to make as well. The ability to control when information gets released is very important to us and I suspect to other institutions as well. We would like to release information that is available to all students at the same time and typically we want this to be performed on a specific date and time that is outside of business hours. Having the ability to schedule the release of student grades at a specific date/time would be a good step in control over information.
At the beginning of this term we realized other areas of information control was lacking. For example, at our institution, the student’s don’t register themselves since our program is fixed. Our staff registers the students in their classes. What we noticed is that as we registered students, there was no opportunity to review the registration activity before it was made available to the students. It turned out that we didn’t finish the registration over the weekend and the students noticed classes missing and contacted us. We had to explain to them the registration process was in progress.