I would like to be able to add custom discipline actions. Right now the non-academic actions are Probation, Suspension, Expulsion. We have multiple levels until a student reaches "Probation" and would like to have the ability to indicate those levels. Also, we have an "Academic Notice" that would be helpful to add.
Adam Sentz Official comment We can now set up custom disciplinary actions for you. Just open a support request to get started.
To save time, let us know if the custom types you want should map to Warning, Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion.
Christopher Dickerson I'd like to add a Plagiarism Violation, or similar, as well.
Donna Haug Ditto on the Plagiarism Violation! That would be very helpful!
Mary Vandercook Yup! Plagiarism and other levels of academic notices. But the tag, though... (is there a way to control the view of the system tag that gets put there? I noticed that even staff roles can see this flag as a system tag)
Karl Luman True! I would like a category added to "Discipline" on the transcript. We need an Action that is Non-Academic Suspension. Can you help me with this? Forwarding schools need to know specifically that Academics is not the issue but personal behavior and/or character is an issue. Blessings.
Jessica Williams Ditto on wanting to get rid of the system tag! Currently all staff can see the academic discipline tags and this is against our school policy (& FERPA) so we can't even use the academic discipline section anymore.
Kim Zea I would like to be able to customize disciplinary actions. The options provided do not fit our needs.
M. Jean Bland Bump!
Larry Tarka We would also like to have the ability to add custom discipline actions! Two that are very important to us are "Dismissal" and "Clinical Dismissal".
Melodie Garcia I'm on board with adding a customized disciplinary action. Our campus needs this to track our students according to our school's policy.
Dr. Steve Hostetter Would love to have the ability to add or modify disciplinary actions. It would be great if this feature could be added.