It would be great to print a pictorial roster for all students in a term. Ideally we would just go to a term, student table and Export a pictorial roster. Several students per page, not just 1 picture per page.
Toby Robinson Official comment Roster layouts can now be customized. Please contact support to get started.
Joe Farage This would be great and save a ton of time as we put one together manually every semester.
Adam Sentz Just in case you don't already know, you can export ID photo in any people export. You'll get a folder of all the ID images and the spreadsheet will contain references to these images so you can merge them into a document template.
Clarissa Marin Yes, I currently do the export that way but this way would save time and the current export only arranges them alphabetically by first name.
Adam Sentz @Clarissa - Where are you doing the export? We checked what we think would be the most likely places for the export and they all have first and last name columns and are ordered by last name.
Clarissa Marin Hi Adam- These are the steps I do :)
- Go to academics
-Select the correct term from drop-down
-Click on "Student Table"
-Search for "ID Photo" on pop-up search box- Click GO
-When Zip downloaded box pops-up, click ok, close file
-From "Downloads" box, right click on folder
- Click on "extract all files" left-hand side
-Print pictures
-Select "contact sheet" from "Photo printing wizard" -
Christian Amos Clarissa, the export will now arrange the photos alphabetically by last name. Thanks for pointing that out to us.
Clarissa Marin Thanks Christian. It does look better. Just a few more observations:
-It would be great to have a comma between last and first name.
-All the names have "jpeg" next to them and it would be better to get that removed.
-It would be great to have names underneath the picture instead of the side.
-The pictures are printed alphabetically from the bottom up instead of across from left to right.
Again it would be great to do a straight export from the student table : )
Christian Amos Clarissa, I believe the best way to create a pictorial roster in Populi would be through a custom ID card template. Then you can export students right from the Students Table. If you'd like I can set one up for you and we can go from there.
Clarissa Marin Thanks Christian! This would be helpful!
Christian Amos Clarissa, no problem. I added an ID card template called "Pictorial Roster" which you can export from the Students Table > Export dropdown > ID Cards > Pictorial Roster. Let me know if you need help altering the template. Thanks!
Adam Sentz @Jeanie - Can you be more specific? If you have questions about using Populi it's usually best to open a support request.