For the future I would like to to see dates on the calendar reoccurring .
Adam Sentz @Damon - Populi already has reoccurring events in Calendar. Just click on an event, click More, and then edit the Repeat setting.
Megan Johnson What bothers me about this feature is it only allows you to "save this and all future events" if you use the calendar to show re-occurring meetings, for example, and you cancel one event standing Tuesday have to go in and cancel it, then the following occurrence recreate is just not very robust.
Adam Sentz Megan Johnson - Are you referring to course meetings?
Megan Johnson Hi Adam, actually, the delete a single occurrence is now there! LOL, I use my calendar to schedule student workers and always found it clunky, but it is resolved now ...I have witnesses that it behaved differently in chrome up until very recently...funny! Thx